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Prithipura Communities is always looking for corporate partners who can work with us long-term to sustain our work and its impact.  


Corporates typically support with infrastructure projects, long-term support of our operational expenses as well as awareness raising activities.  We work closely with our corporate supporters so that our goals are aligned and transparency and accountability is maintained.

Existing partners

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The Emirates Airline Foundation has been supporting Prithipura Communities since 2017.


By funding one of the essential running costs, our electricity bills, they enable us to focus on continuously improving the support provided to those who live with us, promoting development and opportunity wherever possible.  Through their support of Prithipura, they can achieve their goal of improving the lives of children and  strengthening the local communities of the markets they fly to.

MAZE is a locally designed and produced brand of socks and donates a percentage of their online sales to Prithipura on  a monthly basis.  MAZE recognises the importance of our work and helps raise awareness about what we do and where we need support.  They promote individuality and freedom of expression with their brightly patterned designs, key values which Prithipura Communities also believes in.

If your organisation would like to support Prithipura Communities, please contact us

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